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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 3 review

Dang! This morning hunger thing is really getting to me. Every day I have been watching the clock, waiting for 11:30 so I can eat. I'm going to give it a few more days, but something has to give!

I've been rereading sections of the book lately. It's really helping to help me focused. Eyes on the prize, baby!

I especially like to read the "Inside Scoop" section each day. It's. A good way to get fresh in my mind what each day is about.

Today was a test for chickpeas. I felt good after eating them with lunch. Let's hope that continues and the weigh in proves it to be a "friendly" food. I'm really looking forward to having hummus tomorrow!

I did modify the menu a touch. Since I'm not sure about almonds given yesterday, I skipped them at snack time and had an apple instead. I'll see if I can sneak in another almond test soon. I bought some almond butter today that I'm really looking forward to!

Speaking of buying groceries... I had to go to three stores again! This is nuts! Two stores in an inconvenience. Three is a pain in the butt!

Last night was Family Fitness Night at Lindsey's school.  We had a picnic dinner at the playground before and had a GREAT time playing the various games with her friends and the other parents.  

Time for my results!

Holy cow!  1.6 pounds gone in a day!  That's a total of 5.2 pounds gone in 3 days!  This is absolutely incredible!

I was actually a bit worried about my weigh in this morning.  During Family Fitness Night, my sweet Lindsey kept stealing my water bottle, drinking a bit, and refilling. At the end of the night I had no idea how much water I had drank.  Also, I had done a bit of exercise, which is not recommended during the first three days. It's good to know that this whole thing isn't so fragile that being a little off on my water and working up a little sweat won't mess it up.

Feeling good!


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