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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 2 review

I take back what I said about it being impossible to be hungry on the The Plan.  This morning as I sat in my regular Monday morning meeting, I was so ravenous I could have chewed on my own arm.  That brought back the memory from yesterday morning that I was starving by lunchtime and ate at 11:30am.  I must have suppressed that memory.  Being completely stuffed by the end of the day was an effective method to induce hunger amnesia.  (I really need to think up a cool word for that!)

I got started on lunch again today promptly at 11:30.  Thankfully, lunch was incredibly satisfying.  For the second day in a row, I had to force myself to eat the snack.  I wonder if I could make part of my lunch a morning snack?

Yesterday was so effective that I don't want to mess with it, so I'll deal with it for now.

Did you notice the containers at lunch, that my snack has a keyboard in the background, and the grass around my food for dinner?  Just in case anyone thinks there is no way a working mom can cook this much, I'm here attempting to prove it's possible.  I've always been the brown bag type for lunch, so this fits me well.  It's also soccer season for my sweet Lindsey, so I ate dinner during the game.

After the game we went shopping for the food for days 4 through 6.  I still couldn't get everything I needed at Kroger!  Grrrrrrr!!!

I never would have though that rye crackers and sea salt were so blasted hard to come by!  (Yes, Kroger has sea salt, just not the good kind that I like!)  Hopefully I can pick up the last few items on my list on the way to work tomorrow so that I can do some of the cooking for day 4 tomorrow night.

Getting started has been a bit pricey.  I spent $60 on my first shopping trip, and another $60 today.  The good news is that much of what I am buying will last for a long time.  I'm really wishing there was a summer version of the thyroid menu because the butternut squash that the winter recipes call for is over $6 for one lousy squash.  Sick.  As soon as I can get that off the menu I will switch to something more seasonal.

Time for today's results.....

At 0.4 pounds, it's not quite as overwhelming as yesterday.  Still things are moving in the right direction.  Yesterday was a test day for almonds.  I wonder if that slowed me down?  I may need to test almonds again to be sure.


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