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Saturday, May 25, 2013


Wednesday can only be summarized one way.


Maybe gluttony is another good word...

I was on a good track.  Really.  Look!

Then a certain coworker popped into my office and told me about a beer tasting dinner that night.  The road to hell is a slippery one, friends!

Obviously, if craft beer is involved, I was gonna go.  So I did.  Then this happened.

I couldn't exactly photograph a five course the menu will have to do.

Wow.  So much food, so much beer!

I had a wonderful night.

I love that the plan isn't about control and guilt.  If I want to eat a five course meal with LOTS of beer, I can.  Then I'll slip in a rest day and move on.

Life's good.

The number on the scale wasn't....but I'll deal with that another day!


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