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Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 6 review

Steak.  Hmmm.  Steak.

Today was a test for steak.  It was so delicious.  Even on a salad, it was amazing.  Words just can't express the awesomeness of steak.  Yum!

And check out that snack!  Yes, those are potato chips!  Salt-free potato chips, but still potato chips.  They were on the menu, I swear.  It was an indulgent day!

It's a good thing I had steak to balance out my mood.  I had to go grocery shopping today and again, I had to go to multiple stores.  Ugh.  I'm so sick of not being able to get all my groceries in one place!  I try to do my shopping at Kroger, and every single time they are out of something simple.  This time, it was zucchini and shiitake mushrooms.  They usually have both.

AND...did you know Kroger doesn't price match!  I took the Food Lion flyer with me to the register and tried to get their price of 2/$1.  No go.

It's a good thing I already had to go to Food Lion anyway to get the stuff Kroger was out of.

As if that wasn't enough, there's only one place I can get dandelion tea, dried cranberries with no added sugar, and bulk spices.  Annie Kay's.   My local health food store.  Only it's not so local.  It's 35 minutes away, not too far from my office.  So, to add insult to injury, after two stores, I have to wait until tomorrow to go to the third store.

God, if you're listening, please send me a Trader Joe's, Earth Fare, Whole Foods, or some other store where it's likely that I can actually get all of my groceries at one place!  If that's too much to ask, maybe you could just make sure my local Kroger is actually decently stocked.

Thanks, God.

Now that we have that cleared up, it's time for my daily weigh in.

It's not what I wanted to first weigh gain.  Hellfire!  Apparently my body doesn't like steak as well as my taste buds do.  What really stinks is that while grocery shopping yesterday I bought hamburger.  It's all portioned in the freezer and ready to go.  Now what am I supposed to do with that?!?!?!

This is actually one of my frustrations.  I shop way in advance and prepare my meals the night before....doing all of this without knowing if I'll actually need it.  Last week I cooked the steak on Thursday night, thinking Friday would be the steak test day.  Then Friday morning I woke up to find myself stalled and decided to do the rest day, then repeat the rye test.  SO.....the steak I cooked Thursday didn't get eaten until Sunday.  It's almost like getting punished for my preparation.

Today isn't going to be a standard Plan day.  I'm slipping in a test day of my own, beer.  It's my Monday night thing when Lindsey isn't home to go to The River Company for half-price pints.  The rest of my menu will be based on my rest day menu with the addition of one beer after work.

Wish me luck!


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