Well, friends....I've not been very good at taking my pictures the last few days. I have a few, but am missing about as many as I have. So I'm not even going to try to reconstruct them.
They key them in the last two days was undoing the damage of the four day break last week, as well as the five course meal I had on Wednesday.
For the most part, I've been sticking to the menus. There's a few notable exceptions.
First...I'm really digging pumpkins seeds. Kroger's Simply Organic bread has some raw unsalted pumpkin seeds and they were on sale this week. I'm eating them like they are going out of style, and they are perfect for the unscheduled munchies that have been plaguing me for the last few days. It's good to have a go-to snack.
Even with all that munching, I lost 1.4 lbs after Thursday and 2 lbs after Friday. I'm almost back to the lowest weight I was before the break.
Another break from the menu is my Friday doughnut. I actually spent half a minute thinking about not eating it. I knew I was going to a birthday party last night, so the logic went like this..."Doughnut or cake? Doughnut!"
So I ate it unaplogetically.
My previous doughnuts replaced my afternoon snack. This time I just added an extra morning snack. I know I can't get away with it everyday, but it seems I can get away with it once a week!
Last night at the birthday party, I had two waffle fries and 3 bites of cake. It didn't seem to affect me at all.
I've noticed that I can have a bite of almost anything. I've yet to see a bite or two cause an issue since restarting.
I'm so glad I restarted. I'm finally getting good data. I know now that goat cheese and almonds are friendly. The first time around I wasn't sure. It feels good to be getting good information and that helps me to be motivated to move forward!
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